Most states and regions have sights, sounds and experiences that are unique to them, including Florida. Here are 10 ways to know you’re in Florida:
- Bartenders serve beer named Florida Cracker.
- A house painted pink with white trim is not rare, and can actually look good.
- Hunker Down is not only an action one does when a hurricane approaches, but is also the name of a bar.
- Everyone has at least three umbrellas in their car.
- Air conditioning is not an option.
- Peacocks can rule a neighborhood.
- Billboards are everywhere.
- Ladies (and perhaps a few men) wear pants with bright, floral patterns and it looks normal.
- Yard work is best completed before 8:30 AM, when the temperature first breaks 90 degrees.
- It’s so humid outside that overly air-conditioned buildings “sweat” – moisture rains down the INSIDE of windows. And your eyeglasses fog up when you leave a store.